SocketSense Paper accepted by BioCAS 2022

On the 14th of October 2022, our SocketSense team will participate in this year’s BioCAS conference by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Since 2013, this event has been an excellent platform for presenting interdisciplinary research and development initiatives and work on engineering, medicine, as well as life and physical sciences. The conference’s overall aim is to support and promote a new generation of medical devices and public health systems. The 2022 conference will follow a hybrid format, with the Chang Yung-Fa Foundation-International Convention Center in Taipei, Taiwan being its physical location.

Our accepted SocketSense paper revolves around “Wearable Pressure Sensing for Lower Limb Amputees” and will be presented at the Lecture session B5L-B: Emerging Circuits and Systems for Diagnostics. Τhis is a joint research effort by KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Zhonghai Lu, Wenyao Zhu, Yizhi Chen, Dejiu Chen), Quantum Technology Supersensors (Josephine Charnley), RISE (Valter Dejke), Nuromedia (Andrii Pomazanskyi), Össur (Siu-Teing Ko), Teesside University (Begum Zeybek, Pouyan Mehryar and Zulfiqur Ali) and TWI Hellas (Michalis Karamousadakis).

The paper presents the SocketSense wearable pressure sensing system for lower limb amputees. More specifically, the system centralises the importance of pressure sensing in prosthetic sockets since it provides data that can lead prosthetists to design sturdy and comfortable sockets for amputees. SocketSense consists of three essential elements: sensing scheme (wearable sensors, sensor calibration and deployment), electronic measurement system (embedded hardware and software), time-series database and visualisation. Last but not least, the system has been tested in clinical trials in order to gather sufficient pressure data in real-time.

You can find the lecture session schedule for the 14th of October here.
