Speaker: Helen Lindner
Date and time: December 9, 15:00-16:30
Helen Lindner is a senior lecturer in occupational therapy at Örebro University in Sweden. She has over 14 years of clinical experience working with people who have physical and cognitive impairments. Her PhD project (2013) was to develop a clinical assessment test for upper limb myoelectric prosthesis. One of her research interests is using eye-tracking technology and motion analysis to quantify and understand attention, visuospatial skill, cognitive load and body movements in upper limb myoelectric prosthesis users.
During her talk, she will be focusing on the learning of myoelectric arm prosthesis from a therapist perspective. She will talk about how a new prosthesis user becomes a skillful prosthesis user. She will talk about how therapists monitor the user’s progress in controlling the prosthesis and to help the prosthesis users achieve success with the right level and amount of training. She will use both examples of Standard Myo hands (two degrees of freedom) and multifunction hands (multiple degrees of freedom) during her talk.